Hot Drinks
On The Go Special Espresso on the go Signature Drink!Cinnamon & Vanilla Cappuccino.
Macadalatte Espresso on the go Signature Drink!Macadamia flavored Latte.
Cappuccino -
Cafe Latte -
Flat White -
Long Macchiato -
Short Macchiato -
Mocha -
Long Black -
Short Black -
Chai Latte -
Hot Chocolate -
Hot White Chocolate -
TeasEnglish Breakfast, Earl Grey, Green Tea & Jasmine, Peppermint & Chamomile Tea
Espresso -
ExtrasExtra shot coffee
Soya milk
Flavoured Syrup – Vanilla, Caramel, Cinnamon, Macadamia, Hazelnut, Mint.